
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Seeking Answers

This year is an exciting year for FOCUS. Not only have we expanded to 74 campuses, but we also have an exciting opportunity to offer students over their winter break: SEEK2013. SEEK is the national conference sponsored by FOCUS January 2-6, 2013 in ORLANDO!! (that's pretty exciting for a girl who lives in states with winter). The goal of the conference is to help students find ways to answer some of life's bigger questions, like "What is the meaning of my life? Who am I? Does God matter?" Check it out at

our event on campus to promote SEEK
Here at UMD, we've just started our registration push to get students to sign-up to take that step and go to SEEK. We've had announcements at Mass, a table in the Kirby Center on-campus, and most importantly, a "Are you Going?" night on-campus this week. I've been assigned as our campus liaison for the conference, so this has added some extra excitement to my first year as a missionary. In addition to bible studies, discipleship, hanging out with students, and team life with my fantastic team, I also have been planning these promotion activities, brainstorming fundraising, and organizing efforts to get students signed up!

At times the added responsibility is a little crazy - I mean, I like to be busy, but wow is a national conference lots of work. But, at our event Tuesday I was reminded why I absolutely LOVE conferences like this - they have the potential to change lives! I cannot wait for these students to experience conference. Speakers from around the world, fantastic entertainment, and Mass, Confessions, and prayer with 6,000 of their peers! Plus, it'll be a great time to catch up with my fellow missionary friends and just be inspired in my role as a missionary. Not to mention that it's 5 days of just experiencing the joy that only God can bring into people's lives. 75 days to go...

I've been praying a lot lately about why I'm a missionary, trying to answer some of those "why" questions that SEEK will try to answer for the students. You can read my story with FOCUS under the "How I Got Here" tab, but this week has given me a really great insight into the plan God has. I realized that He created me to be a missionary. As His daughter, I was made to share His love with others. And, at this particular moment in my life, that means being a missionary with FOCUS. It is the best way that I can set the world on fire for Him and fulfill that desire He has placed in my heart. Being a missionary isn't just my job, it's my identity and my way of living out my love for God.

So, as I return to my "to do" list here at Caribou, I'm so thankful for the grace last February to recognize God's plan and say "yes!" I can't imagine doing anything else with these 2 years of my life... what a privilege to have this role in the New Evangelization!

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