
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Saint in Progress

As I finished yesterday's blog, I mentioned that my story of sainthood is still being written. That's what I want to share today because it was another huge grace of my time in Dallas last week. I'm a checklist kinda girl... make a list, complete an item, check it off. Loose ends and no plan... that just doesn't have a place in my life.

I realized last week though, that I can't treat my story of sainthood that way. My life is still in progress... and my work of holiness will not be complete until I die. I may have a testimony, but it's one without an ending just yet. Unlike other things though, I am realizing that it is a good thing my story is still being written... because I'm still working on being the virtuous saint that God made me to be.

I think before last week, I treated my relationship with Jesus like it was complete, perfect, needing no change. The truth is, even though Jesus had won me back through my prayer life junior year at NDSU, He is still winning my heart. Every day, He wants to be there. He isn't a person we interact with just once and have our life changed and go on our way. Meeting Jesus is like meeting your spouse... once they are in your life, they are there forever, every single day.

Understanding this a little better has given me a strange peace that I usually don't have when a big task is "in progress." I think it is because it helps me to just learn to live in the moment and to constantly ask "how is Jesus forming me into a saint today?" Little daily steps like that make becoming holy seem a bit more attainable. Plus, if my story isn't over, than I can accept my failures and appreciate going to Confession so much more. I don't have to settle with where I am at now, I can keep learning and growing, moving ever closer to my goal of eternal life with God. Maybe a checklist isn't always the best way to live life!

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