A year ago today, I found myself at the NDSU Wellness Center for a morning run.... with a dead iPod. Since music was no longer an option to motivate me for my run, I decided to use that time to pray. I found myself talking to Jesus about FOCUS. At the time, I had not started the application to be a missionary. As I ran, more and more of my fears came to light. Afterwards, I went to pray at the Newman Center and began to realize that I really needed to just start my application and trust God with the rest. I began the application later that day and as I filled it out, God slowly opened my heart to be able to desire for FOCUS to be the next chapter of my life. And so here I am, one year later, several months into my first year as a full-time missionary!
St. Cecelia, pray for us! |
It's incredible that this big step towards FOCUS took place on November 22, the Feast of St. Cecelia (the saint I chose as my Confirmation saint). It is amazing how that choice as an eighth grader continues to play a role in my life. And now to have that day fall on Thanksgiving... the day when we thank God for the many blessings He has given us. God must love making dates line up like this!
And so not only am I thankful as always for my faith, family, and friends. But I'm also really thankful for all of the graces that God has blessed me with through FOCUS... the new friends, support of mission partners here at home, and a truly amazing experience that is slowly helping me become closer to Jesus and His will for my life.
So, if you're reading this, thank you for allowing me to share my experience as a FOCUS missionary with you! Thank you for your support and prayers. And I hope you have a most blessed Thanksgiving with your family and friends.
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